Welcome to the Celtic Calendar

Greetings! Blessings!

Dr. Joel Ying and Janis McCall welcome you on this exploration of Celtic Wisdom through the Celtic Calendar.

Living and growing up in Scotland, Janis brings you the perspective of how these Celtic Wisdom practices have changed over time and how she celebrates them.

Dr. Joel brings lively storytelling and conversation on how we can apply these practices to modern life.

The Celtic wisdom connects us back to the cycles of nature, the seasons, the solstice and equinox. As we connect to this ancient rhythm of life, the frenzy of the modern world calms. Our minds can slow down and our hearts can reconnect as we honor the cycles of the earth, the sun, the moon, and life itself.

Join us for the REPLAY of our webinar conversations recorded from December 2019 to November 2020.

Questions? Send email to [email protected]

  • Explore the wisdom of the Celtic Calendar, the turning of the wheel, in this video series.
  • Celtic Tradition is deeply rooted in the rhythms of the earth, sun, and seasons.
  • Discover the Celtic Wisdom practices to honor the seasons and harness their power to manifest our dreams according to the rhythms of life.

Janis McCall lives in her homeland of Scotland deeply connected to the Celtic wisdom of her ancestors. As a counselor, she brings the sacred back into the lives of her clients. With her daily walks though quiet forests and wild waters, she connects deeply to the changing of the seasons and the cycles of life. With her grounded presence, she brings the sacred back into life by marking time through the Turning of the Wheel on the Celtic Calendar.

Dr. Joel Ying, Physician-Storyteller, lives in the United States with a private practice in Naples, Florida. His practice of medicine and his storytelling performance combines the ancient and the modern. He teaches storytelling as a performance art, community art, and healing art. Stories remind us of the sacredness of life and our connection to each other. He is drawn to the wisdom of nature and her stories to help manifest our passion and aliveness in the world.